
I’m sure you’ve heard that old saying that goes something like “As a door closes / a window opens.” And, like me, you’ve probably said, yeah, yeah, whatever.

But sometimes a situation bops you over the head so hard that you can’t help but take notice.

I lost my sister a year ago today. Carol was only 68, so it was as shocking and sad as imagined.

But nine days ago, our family welcomed little Brooklyn into the world. Brooklyn is Carol’s fourth grandchild and a first for her oldest son and his wife.

Carol struggled with many things, but the one thing she embraced was being “Meah” to Christopher, Makenna and Jayden. She would have been over the moon with Brooklyn’s arrival.

And how fitting that Brooklyn is named after the city where her Meah was born.

Open a window, Carol, and have a look at precious Brooklyn.


11 Responses

  1. Chuch says:

    Touching & Beautiful 💕

  2. jm says:

    my favorite writer

  3. Rick says:

    She was a great sister and was always concerned with anything you had going on with your life. She reminded me a lot of mom.

  4. Colleen says:

    What a beautiful idea. Congratulations to the family on the arrival of precious Brooklyn, love the name maybe cuz also born there. Love the blog and the stories. Love to all ❤️

  5. Joyce Owens says:

    Love your Blog! So much writing talent with sweet memories of family!