Giving Thanks

The word gratitude is tossed around a lot these days. Don’t get me wrong; I think this is actually a good thing.

When I was recently sick with Covid I made the comment that I was going to remember how I was feeling so I would be grateful when I felt better. It’s such a simple thing really but with how busy everyone is and how fast everything moves, we forget and lose sight of the little things to appreciate, like feeling well.

In preparing for this post, I read a lot about gratitude (and believe me, there’s no shortage of stuff out there). This was something that resonated with me:

Someone else is dreaming about the things you take for granted.

So simple, but something to think about.

Really. Think about it. Think about what you have that someone else might dream about. It could be something obvious, like a home. Or something simple, like enough to eat. How about feeling safe? Good health? Or, to quote Eddie Vedder, “To count on both hands the ones I love.”

Try it. If just for one brief moment once in a while. Maybe when you lay your head down at night, or while you’re brushing your teeth; maybe even while pumping gas; think about something for which you feel grateful.

Just maybe the secret to having it all is knowing that you already do.

8 Responses

  1. Chuch says:

    Can’t ever go wrong quoting EV…

  2. K.K says:

    I’m going to give it a try!

  3. Rick says:

    I know it would be hard to believe, but I do that sometimes.

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